Showing The Way Through Turbulent Times

Our First Meeting
This is your time to interview us to see if there can be a foundation for moving forward. Bring your questions, your ideas, and your concerns about your family or your business. What is your current financial condition? What do you want your financial future to look like, or the future of your business? Have you thought about how best to pay for your later life care, or who might inherit what's left? That's where we will start, with confidentialitya a given, and never
a cost or obligation.

It Helps To Have A Guide
With years of experience in the field, our team has the capabilities and expertise to help place your financial plans on a route that leads to your goals. That starts with good listening, our most important skill of all. At Guideboat Financial, we will look around the next bend to help you better prepare for what might come next. Your life can make you feel like you're lost in the wilderness at times. That's why it helps to have an experienced guide at your side.

Your Plan Takes Shape
Should you choose to move forward with Guideboat Financial, the next phase will be in-depth and comprehensive. It's likely that your financial life will include multiple areas that desire our co-operative attention. This is your chance to set priorities for the sequence of how those plans may be addressed. From there, we will begin drawing the relief map for your plan.

Keeping Things Current
Your financial plans, by their very nature, must remain responsive to the movements not only of the markets, but also to those of your life itself. Markets may ebb and flow, and change is a constant, as are ever present elements like taxes and fees. It's not good enough to spend the time to establish meaningful plans without taking their measure along the way. Our promise to you assures that will not occur.
Strategies For Planned Giving with IRA and Retirement Plan Assets
Guideboat Financial has developed an entirely new planned giving strategy to enable donors to create a lifetime income gift annuity from their IRA and other retirement plan assets.
Perhaps you are already making or accepting "QCD" direct rollover gifts from IRA's. This new gift annuity plan is the logical next step because well informed donors will soon become more aware of a recent IRS addition to QCD's and will no doubt be seeking out charities that can offer them gift annuities for their IRA’s. Guideboat Financial's plan will allow such organizations to answer, “YES!”
Donors generally like the idea of guaranteed lifetime income because most donors fear outliving their retirement assets. For charities, IRA’s should be a natural target because it’s where most donors have saved most of their money. The Congressional Research Service proved this in 2022 when they found that IRA assets then totaled more than $11.5 Trillion dollars.
We are confident that this is a strategy that can play an important role for donors and not for profits alike as they work to grow all planned giving donations in the future.
Ph: 716-812-4009

The Adirondack guideboat was originally designed to be used by a professional sporting guide who rowed and carried on his back a ribbed wooden work boat he had likely built himself. His job was to provide a unique combination of transportation and critical local knowledge for his paying passengers -- hunters and fishermen who had flocked to the game-rich Adirondacks in upstate New York.
In a region largely without roads, it was in the guide's best interest to make his craft both lightweight as well as easy to carry over the challenging up and down portages between the lakes and rivers of this mountainous wilderness. Though its design has remained mostly unchanged for more than 175 years, the the guideboat of today is geared toward recreational rowing;
something dramatically different from its workmanlike origins.

As an independent financial advisory fully licensed to practice in 3 states, we are well positioned to access the financial providers and products best suited to address your personal, business, estate, and philanthropy related goals. We won't ask you to put round pegs into square holes just because we have some quota to meet with Insurance Company ABC or Invesment Company XYZ.
Our independence protects you from that. Recommendations will fit who you are, what you value, and how you feel about risk. Our broad industry relationships permit us to drive your investment costs down while aiming for your personally planned results.
Let Guideboat Financial's experience and independence guide you toward a well planned future -- today.